Vision: To make the world a more colorful and beautiful place

Mission: To directly support new, emerging, and striving artists through the provision of micro-grants to enable artists to focus on creation.

What’s in a name: What does Marais mean:

The Marais is a vibrant arts and culture district in Paris. Known in French as the swamp, the Marais was a bastion of free, liberal thought prior to 1789 that fought royal censorship by publishing radical newspapers and pamphlets that inspired the French populace to rise up in revolution. The Marais also has a proud tradition as the Jewish center of Paris and as a place that welcomed elements of society that were often looked down upon or suffered cultural prejudice. We honor this district of Paris with our name because of its historic place that sheltered those brave enough to question society, comforted those who were misunderstood, and continues to create beauty through art and freedom of expression.

What is the history of the Foundation:

The Marais Foundation is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Portland, Oregon. Founded in 2013, it found its purpose in the shadow of the pandemic as artists struggled to build their community and share their art. As the world emerged from its COVID hibernation, we found that more and more artists struggled with small purchases to support their art and fewer and fewer funders available to provide support. Determined to advance the importance of new, emerging, and striving artists, The Marais Foundation re-organized in 2023 around the provision of micro-grants to support artists and building a platform to advance the visibility of their creations to build community and make the world a more beautiful, colorful, and vibrant place.

How is the Foundation managed?

As an organization and funder, we share a strong ethic that artists need financial support and that 90% of all contributions need to be spent on delivering support to artists. As a partner with artists, we believe that financial support must be combined with community support to advance art through publications, events, and other community-oriented activities to increase awareness and visibility.

The Foundation is managed by a volunteer board of governors who oversees the day-to-day management, provides strategic guidance and vision for the mission, and determines the awarding of micro-grants.