The Marais Review is 100% donor funded and relies on contributions from lovers of the arts to provide micro-grants to new, emerging, and striving artists.

We don’t believe in the trope that creatives need to struggle and starve to make great art. We believe that artists need support. 

The median arts and culture grant size is roughly $28,000, and it can take anywhere from three to 18 months to review, process, and award or deny a grant application. While this timeframe and award size may help some artists or groups achieve their goals, it is both far too large and too lengthy a wait to support the new, emerging, and striving artists that are driving their fields with innovation and thought-provoking works. Many of these artists require more immediate and smaller levels of support. For instance, one artist needed $50 for a canvas, while another artist needed $150 for photo editing software. The average grant process and grant review cycle will not serve these artists, and, as a result, these artists may not be able to create, express, or make the world more beautiful.

The Marais Foundation serves this population of artists by:

  1. Streamlining the grant application process to a simple, web-based form
  2. Shortening the award cycle by delivering determination
  3. Eases the immediate burden by providing micro-grants from $50 to $5,000
  4. Stretches the funder’s impact by guaranteeing that $0.90 of every dollar contributed is delivered to support artists